Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December update

Welcome to the Room 6 December Update:

This is a busy time of year- in and out of school!  Here is a quick peek at we have been doing:

First, this is the last month of our Student Teacher’s practicum with us!  Riley Fallon has been a true asset to our classroom; the students and I will miss her greatly but she is well on her way to having a class of her own. December 23 is her last day.

In math we are just completing a unit on Time and Fractions.  Students should be able to tell time to the 5 minutes, as well as know facts such as the number of days in a week, weeks in a year, etc. At home they can continue to notice and use these time skills!  In fractions they know halves, thirds and fourths.  

We are reading up a storm, and talking about our Schema (what we already know about a topic or idea) and Making Connections with literature.  We are making text-to-text connections, particularly when we read multiple books in a series.  We will also be covering Retelling this month, so children will be able to tell you the problem and solution, characters, setting and the author’s purpose.  Raz Kids helps reinforce these comprehension skills!

Students just finished their Personal Narrative, Small Moment stories.  They worked very hard to find the “seed” special moment in their lives and expand to help their reader see, feel, and hear what they experienced at that time.  They added detail, thoughts and feelings, and dialog.  We learned how to create a good “lead” and use different types of endings.  They are currently reading them to the class and a copy will go home. The original is hanging in our room.

Finally in Science we just completed our unit on Weather. Ask your child to give you a weather report as a Meteorologist would!  We are moving on to the study of Maps.  Vacations are a great opportunity to use maps to find new places or to get around at a mall or park.  

I am going to try attaching a slide show to this blog so you can see the fun we had making the bread that children brought home for Thanksgiving.  Enjoy!

Fondly, your teachers:  Ms. Niles, Mrs. Bastarache, and Ms. Fallon