Wednesday, August 31, 2016

September, 2016

Dear Families,
Our school year is off to a great start! We are working on getting to know each other and building our classroom community. Children are quickly adjusting to classroom routines and seem happy to be here!
You will see a lot of papers come home this week and next... please send them back asap. If you have any questions let me know.  The best way to do that is via email at Thank you for sending in the supplies… we still have some missing… the most important ones are a pencil box and a set of headphones. Anything else can be provided by backup supplies!

Curriculum Night will be on Thursday, September 8, at 7:00.  I hope you can make it, as I will review a lot of information about what your child will be doing this year, and how you can support them as we journey together!
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in October and November… there will be a sign-up sheet available on Curriculum Night.
Classroom Routines:
Snack: Students have time to eat a healthy snack every day. Each student must bring his/her own snack. I am not allowed to supply them and students cannot share. Due to allergies please send only nut-free snacks. PLEASE make sure your child also eats a nutritious breakfast before they leave for school!
Homework: Your second grader will have homework on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights for the rest of the year. Homework for the week will usually be sent home on Monday and will be due back each Friday. We will begin with reading: Each night students should read for 10 - 15 minutes. A Reading Log will be sent home on Mondays to record their reading. Please sign it Thursday night and help make sure it comes back EVERY Friday.
Math and Spelling homework will begin soon. Throughout the year, there may be short assignments or special projects in other academic areas. If your child has been focused when completing homework during the week, they should not spend more than about 30 minutes per night.  If it takes them longer, or if you have any questions, please send me a note. I will help your child make it more manageable.
Information will come home about homework and other important happenings at school on a Weekly Letter from me on the back of the reading log (also available on my blog! This should be kept in the folder. Please check the homework folder each night, and take out any corrected work or notices.
Friday Fun: Each Friday we have some earned time for a creative activity! This might be an art project, creative movement, music, class game or exploration of classroom materials. Students earn time by working hard and following classroom rules.
Missed Work: If your child is absent, late to school, or is dismissed early, missed classroom work will be sent home.  Please have your child complete and return it to school within a couple of days, since our curriculum builds on prior learning. Please call the office if your child will not be in school.
After School Destinations: A destination sheet has been sent home with your child. Please send it back by Monday, if you have not already! If they are going home a different way, please send in a note. Your child may not change plans without a note from home. We want all children to be safe in and out of school! If there is a change during the day please call the office… I don’t always have time to check email.

Volunteers Welcome! Help is always welcome in our classroom. A volunteer interest sheet will be sent home soon. The most important opportunities at this point are:
* Math Stations Assistant: This person would be in charge of one math station and help children complete the activity. I will notify you of possible dates and times.
* Curriculum Assistant(s): This is a very important role that involves helping the teacher: laminating and cutting, changing bulletin boards, making copies of class work papers, or collecting and preparing materials for projects. Time commitment is once per month for about 30-60 minutes each time, (more at the beginning of the year), at your convenience!  If you are interested, please let me know the day(s) and time(s) you are available.  Some projects may be taken home and brought back to school.

We will also need chaperones for field trips and volunteers to help with classroom parties and special events. Room parents will assist me in finding volunteers for these. Important:  Any parent who wishes to volunteer in the classroom or chaperone a class trip must complete a CORI form. These forms can be found in the office. Please do this early in the year, since they take a week or so to process.
Sharing: There will be lots of chances for students to share stories from their lives with the class, so we can get to know each other.  If something special is going on in your family and you would like to send in a picture, or your child wants to share something timely, let us know. Please do not send in any toys or electronic devices.

Special Interests: Does anyone in your family have a special interest, family tradition or expertise you would like to share with our class this year? This could be connected to our curriculum or simply something you and your child think would be interesting to the class.  If so, please let me know and we can arrange a time for you to come in.
If you have any questions or concerns here are some ways to contact me:
*    e-mail me at (I check email before school and in the evening)
*    Send a note in your child’s homework folder (I check this every morning)
*    Urgent/ during the day:  call the school and dial 0 for the office… they will leave a message in my mailbox, which I check at lunchtime, or will page me in the classroom.
We are all looking forward to meeting you and helping your children learn, grow and have fun in second grade!

Thank you!                                                   

Deborah Niles

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