Monday, November 5, 2018

November 5 Post

We survived Halloween week!  Thank you to Judy Chan, Janie Ricci and Jenny Choi for coming in to help serve, manage and clean up after our Veggie Skeleton activity.  Thanks also to all of you who donated veggies, plates, dressing, etc.  Here are a few of the photos... more to come in our next slide show!

Two projects for Thanksgiving:
This is one of my favorite holidays!  I love helping children see how they can use gratitude to enjoy and appreciate the wonderful things they have in their lives.  Someone who loves you, a warm house and enough food can be a luxury for others, and we too often take it for granted.

1.   A “homework assignment” for parents (in a brown paper envelope) was sent home recently (some were given out at conferences).  If you did not get one, please let us know asap!  If you have not yet completed it, please do so asap.  We will contact those that are missing this week.
2.   If you have not signed up for our Bread Baking activity, please do so... it is the best project all year!  We will get cooking supplies back to you that day- we promise!

We hope you enjoyed the “Monthly Messages” that went home on Friday.  At this point in the year we are working on describing an activity, and the learning involved, in detail.  We will be working on editing skills in the next month or so.  We want children to enjoy writing and communicating with you all!

Finally, conferences are wrapping up this week and if you have any questions as we move through the year please don’t hesitate to write! My email address is  Thanks for a great partnership!

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